
In the year 2053, a devastating world war broke out over the Earth’s last remaining resources. Everyone knew that the winner of this war would gain control over the entire global resource industry. However, as many had feared, there was no true victor, and the world as we knew it ceased to exist. Nature was destroyed, the greenery of the forests disappeared, and once vibrant cities crumbled into dead ruins. The Earth became a silent and hostile place.

Yet some people survived and founded a new, harsh, and cruel society, adapted to its brutal environment. Amidst this grim reality, people sought moments of escape, and thus, the old tradition of spectacle fights was revived – inspired by Roman gladiator games, but now held in massive arenas. These fights are now between giant combat robots, known as Mechs, piloted by fearless warriors.

You are one of these daring MechPilots, earning your reputation through your combat skills. Your fame and abilities not only secure your place in society but also ensure your survival in this dangerous world. But beware – dangers lurk everywhere, and you are not the only one fighting for glory and power.