In XBattle, each Mech can be equipped with six standard weapons. Additionally, it has access to three individual weapons and a special weapon. The individual weapons and the special ability vary between different Mech types (Defender, Hunter, Ranger), making each Mech’s combat capabilities unique. Therefore, you should select your weapons based on the specific battle situation. The weapons differ in terms of penetration power, firing rate, firing characteristics, ammunition capacity, and range. Every weapon can be upgraded, making each of your Mechs unique! Fight with your custom-equipped combat robot!
Upgrading weapons
Both standard and individual weapons can be upgraded. You can increase penetration power with skill points and expand ammunition capacity using credits.
Purchasing weapons
In XBattle, you always start with three standard weapons: the chainsaw, the gun and the grenade launcher. The Mech’s special weapon is also available from the beginning. At the bottom of the hangar, you can purchase additional weapons using skill points.
List of all weapons
Circular saw

The circular saw is your standard melee weapon with free ammunition. While it’s not very powerful, it’s great for destroying objects and useful for close combat when you’re running low on ammo.
Controls: As long as you hold the fire button, the saw stays in motion. Simply keep the button pressed while using it.

The gun is a reliable, widely-used standard weapon with a short range. Its large magazine allows for many shots during combat, and it features low ammo costs.
Controls: Each press of the fire button shoots a single round.
Grenade launcher

The grenade launcher is the first available ranged weapon. Its main advantage is its ballistic arc, which allows you to fire over obstacles like walls or fences. The enemy is only hit at the grenade’s impact point.
Controls: The longer you hold the fire button, the farther the grenade is launched. You can aim at the impact point by following the moving target bar.

The mine is perfect for blocking paths or deterring pursuers. It explodes automatically when a Mech gets too close. Important: The mine does not distinguish between friend and foe! You can also take damage from your own mine.
Controls: Press the fire button to place the mine at your current position. Once the Mech that placed the mine is far enough away, the mine becomes armed. A color change from green to red indicates that the mine is active.

The laser has the longest range of all available weapons, giving you a significant tactical advantage in combat. The damage it deals is also not to be underestimated compared to other weapons. However, its clear weaknesses are the low firing rate and the limited amount of ammunition during battle. Controls: Each press of the fire button shoots a laser beam.
Plasma gun

The immense power of the plasma gun instills fear in the arena. No enemy can withstand multiple direct hits for long. However, the plasma gun’s weakness – its low rate of fire – is also well-known among many mech pilots. Controls: Each press of the fire button generates a plasma ball.

The laser sword is a feared melee weapon, designed for close-quarters combat. Unlike the chainsaw, the laser sword is highly effective with a fast attack rate. It consumes energy charges, which function as the equivalent of ammunition for other weapons. A unique advantage of this weapon is that 10 percent of the damage dealt to the enemy is converted into your own shields, enhancing your defense. Controls: A single press of the fire button swings the laser sword. Continuous fire by holding the fire button is also possible.

With a powerful burst of fire, you inflict significant damage on your opponent. The flamethrower is a strong weapon with a high firing rate. It’s especially useful to corner an enemy and then unleash continuous fire.
Controls: Each press of the fire button ignites a burst of fire. Holding the fire button enables continuous fire.
Gatling gun

The Gatling gun is an advanced version of the standard gun, and it packs a punch! Despite its low base damage, the significantly increased firing rate greatly enhances the effectiveness of the original gun. The positive traits of the original weapon – such as its large magazine and affordable ammunition – remain intact.
Controls: Each press of the fire button fires a burst of several shots at once. Continuous fire is also possible by holding down the fire button.

The lightning weapon deals moderate damage to enemies through powerful electrical discharges. Its range is limited, but its strength lies in the rapid firing rate and the large number of shots possible during combat. Additionally, the lightning automatically picks up items upon hitting a target. With its fast firing rate, you can quickly put pressure on your opponents.
Controls: Each press of the fire button generates a lightning strike. Thanks to its high rate of fire, you can hold down the fire button in the right situations to unleash devastating continuous fire.

The unique feature of the shockwave is its circular spread, which guarantees a 100% hit rate within a medium range. The damage it deals is considerable! However, it takes some time to recharge the weapon before another shockwave can be produced. The emitted waves move relatively slowly.
Controls: Each press of the fire button releases a shockwave.

The missile combines power and range in a terrifying combination. It’s best to try and avoid its devastating impact by dodging quickly.
Controls: Each press of the fire button launches a missile.
Impulse weapon

The pulse weapon uses high-energy bursts to put your opponent under pressure. The pulses only take effect at the point of impact, allowing you to bypass obstacles like walls or fences. However, the enemy is also only hit at the pulse’s endpoint, where a small shockwave is generated.
Controls: Each press of the fire button fires a pulse. You can determine the target point by following the moving targeting bar.
Pendulum gun

The pendulum gun has slow firing intervals but delivers powerful shots. Its unique feature is the pendulum-like swing of the projectile, allowing for multiple hits in a single shot if the enemy is in the path. This distinctive mechanic makes the pendulum gun especially dangerous, as the projectile can continue to deal damage even after the first hit.
Controls: Each press of the fire button launches a powerful projectile that swings back and forth, increasing the chance of multiple hits on the target.
Ion Cannon

The ion cannon is a weapon with a low firing interval, similar to the laser but with a shorter range. While it doesn’t reach as far as the laser, it compensates with its precision and consistent energy discharge. The ion cannon is especially effective at medium range, where it can inflict devastating damage.
Controls: Each press of the fire button fires a highly accurate energy beam that continuously deals damage over sustained use.
Armor and shield

If your mech is hit without an active shield, the weapon’s damage is subtracted from its remaining armor. Unlike shields, armor cannot be recharged during combat. You can check the current armor value in the top right corner of the screen. If your armor or that of your opponent drops to zero, the affected mech can no longer participate in the fight. Therefore, it’s always worth investing in solid armor.

When a mech is hit, the shield takes damage first. A shield can be restored if the right energy pack is found during the fight.